better than tazz's POS

Created by KuSTaV 1 decade 4 years ago
Operating System Windows XP
Motherboard Gigabyte 965P-S3
Memory 2GB G.Skill
Processors Intel C2D E6600 @ 2.4Ghz
Graphics Card ASUS GTX260
Soundcard Onboard
Harddisc 1TB HDD
Drives 2 DVD Drives for max powah
Screens Acer AL2216W
Interface Some POS keyboard - use to have Gen1 G15 but some wanker spilt apple juice on it and now the backspace and delete keys no longer work
Logitech MX518
Network Cable internets brah
More ur mum
No picture available


Generated 8ms

Memory 1.11 MiB

Load 0.13, 0.21, 0.19

Queries 2