FpsCorner LANs
Frequently Asked Questions

The Long Bit

What is a LAN?

A LAN is a social event where many gamers and IT enthusiasts gather to enjoy each other's company, play video games, compete in competitions, win some prizes, and mingle their servers on a Local Area Network.

Who's FpsCorner?

We're just a bunch of mates who thought we'd try and create and grow a community. We have three pillars to our organisation: LANs, Community, and Clan. You can read more about FpsCorner on the About Page.

How do I purchase a ticket?

Tickets can be purchased either on our website with PayPal, or at the door. If you purchase your ticket online, you are guaranteed a seat, however if you choose to purchase a ticket at the door, it is a first-served basis.

Are there any Age restrictions?

FpsCorner events are 16+, and if you are under the age of 18, you will require your parent/guardian to fill out a permission form. You can download the form here.

Is there Internet access?

Of course, however you are limited to 1GB for the event. If you go over you will lose access entirely.

Can I bring food or alcohol?

Depending on the venue, outside food may be prohibited from being brought to the event, along with soft drinks and other consumables. Alcohol is prohibited unless our venue is licensed. If you are drunk, you will be removed.

Who's responsible for my equipment?

You are! FpsCorner staff and all affiliations will never, ever, ever, take any responsibility for property and equipment that is at our events. If any of your property is lost or stolen, we cannot be held responsible. You are responsible.

Is my equipment insured?

No. You should make your own arrangements.

First Aid?

Tazzernator is the First Aid officer for all events. If you require first aid attention, please report to him. If you have any allergies, please let him know at the beginning of the day.

Can I help set up?

Sure, pop around a little early, however keep your own equipment in the car until the event officially starts as it could get in the way.


  • Under 18 need parental consent.
  • Internet capped to 1GB/User.
  • No Drunks.
  • Equipment Responsibility: YOU!
  • First Aid Officer: Tazzernator.


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