Firstly I'd like to thank all of you whom attended for being a part of what us admins think to be one of our best LANs yet, with everyone, literally, being involved in every competition we had.
It's great to see the core player base of FpsCorner so enthusiastic and involved in an awesome display of competitive team gameplay. Bravo!
I'd like to thank
FIX and his business JIMFIX Computers for the donation of all the infrastructure for the event and his complete power and network setup.
I'd like to thank
Promythyus for setting up all the game servers for the day on his ESXI hypervisor mini datacenter (other buzzwords) setup- it's incomparable.
Thanks to
Joey! who also supplied additional assistant to all the admins whom required it over the upcoming weeks to the event and on the day.
Finally I'd like to thank
Select Start Media for the Prizes for the day, their kind donation made the competitions ever so more awesome!
That brings us onto the day!
With a refined setup schedule, we setup a little more than usual the night before, and by getting in at 7:30am, we for the first time had internet and everything setup by 10am on the dot for start. A huge effort to all involved.
The first two competitions of the day was Unreal Tournament- first to 100 kills Deathmatch and first to 100 points or an hour in Bombing Run.
Joey! won the first with 100 kills to 53 deaths in Deathmatch- and runner up was
juicetoon with 90 kills to 56 deaths and consequently won the prize (as
Joey! is an admin

Next up was Bombing Run-
"How many points should we make it" says
- "100?" I reply.
mistaaaaake. We hit the Hour time limit with this round in an epic, no toilet break allowed Unreal Tournament MARATHON with a 31 - 10 victory by the Blue team. Everyone in the blue team consequently got a steam key of their choosing from the prize pool!
lol photos instead of screenshots
Our third and final competition was Blur! With minimal renowned firewall issues, we were able to start pretty swiftly and after a 2 warmup rounds and 5 point based qualifying rounds, the knockout rounds began.
The Qualifiers were in order:
First dropped out was
Second dropped out was
Third dropped out was
The final was against
Joey! and
Leadbeatter with a down hill sprint to glory!
Joey! won his second game he can't win a prize for, with
Leadbeatter getting the runner up and prize!
Thankyou again for all involved, and we at FpsCorner wish you a merry Christmas and we'll see you in the new year!