Tazzernator 1 decade 5 months ago Comments (0)

Thankyou to all who attended FREELAN!

The event was free thanks to the continued support and attendance of you guys. So thanks!

Special thanks to Select Start Media for the prizes for the day. Their kind donation made the competitions that little bit more awesome!

When you host an event pushing this size, it really highlights where we could improve in our management of the event, and certain aspects of the network that could be improved.

We've walked away from this event with more knowledge than ever before and we're certain that the next event is going to be our most polished yet.

2142 was unfortunately not feasible with EA complications- and instead we had some good old fashion fun in 1942.

Next we had a grand TF2 30 player 15v15 5 point front line chaos! After a solid push, hold, push effort- RED won the day!

Next up was the blur competition! With two running games due to the numbers, the top three from each side (EAST SIDE REPRESENT!) were through to the knock out finals.

After no less than 11 races, the finalist was stuntman22 - congrats!

Finally we had the trivia, with quite difficult questions I was surprised at how many were actually answered by the majority of the groups! However at the end of the day, Group Ebola-chan won the day!

Blitzsturm celebrates

And at last we had the lucky door prize went to Josh!

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