
We're welcoming the new year of 2015 with JANLAN!

Great People, Fun Competitions, Awesome Fun.

Pricing is $20 Online or at the Door.

Proceeds from the day will go towards future FpsCorner events & community based server rental.

See timeline for games we will be playing on the day.

Event Timeline
Facebook Event


On the day, you will require:

  • Your epic and high tech Personal Computer.
  • Your computer's monitor(s).
  • Your cables and peripherals including a headset/earphones.
  • Certified powerboard if you require more than the provided two power ports.

What WE provide for YOU!
  • Gigabit tested and fully functional CAT6 network cable. Crimped and all by us.
  • Two power ports for all that electricity goodness.
  • One half of a two person desk. Equipped with snuggling benefits.
  • A comfy chair that was built in a reputable sweat shop.

What you DO NOT need:
  • Annoyingly loud and obnoxious speakers.
  • Dodgy network cables from your man cave.
  • Alcoholic beverages. There is a bar though!



Start 10:00am - 17th Jan 2015
End 11:00pm - 17th Jan 2015
Cost $20.00
Seats 32
Players 26 ( Player List )
Servers Allowed
Venue Kiama Leagues Club


Many players share game updates and data through the dcplusplus client. Be sure to download and install it before you come to the LAN. Once you arrive at the LAN, connect to the hostname 'DCHUB' within the application.


Generated 10ms

Memory 1.14 MiB

Load 0.03, 0.1, 0.14

Queries 5